Open-Ended vs. Close-Ended

Mutual Funds 


Mutual funds offer a wide range of investment options to suit different investor needs and goals. 

There are over a thousand mutual fund schemes in India, broadly classified into open-ended and close-ended funds. 

Close-Ended Mutual Funds

Open for subscription only during the New Fund Offer (NFO) period. Units of close-ended funds are listed on stock exchanges, providing limited liquidity. 

Investors can sell units to other investors. 

The accumulated amount is returned to investors after the maturity period. 

Advantages of Close-Ended Funds

Relatively stable due to limited inflows and outflows. 

Ideal for investors with matching investment horizons. 

Fund managers can focus on long-term objectives without redemption pressure. 

Disadvantages of Close-Ended Funds 

New investors cannot enter after the NFO period. 

Redemption requires finding buyers on the exchanges. 

No Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) available. 

Lack of historical performance data for investment decisions. 

Open-Ended Mutual Funds

Most popular type with no fixed maturity date.

Investors can invest and redeem at any time based on Net Asset Value (NAV). 

NAV calculated daily based on underlying instrument values. 

Advantages of Open-Ended Funds

High liquidity, allowing investments and redemptions at any time. 

Historical performance data available for decision-making. 

Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) offer flexibility and regular investment options. 

Disadvantages of Open-Ended Funds

Short-term volatility due to market fluctuations. 

Heavy redemptions can impact the fund's value. 

Risk associated with the fund's asset class. 


Open-ended funds offer greater liquidity and flexibility for investors. 

They provide options like SIPs and regular investments to meet financial goals. 

Historical performance data helps in making informed decisions. 

Choose Wisely 

Consider your investment horizon, risk tolerance, and financial goals when selecting between open-ended and close-ended mutual funds. 

Seek professional advice and review fund performances to make informed investment choices.