Tips for a Quick and Successful Home Loan Approval

Maintain a credit score of 750+ to improve loan eligibility and secure better interest rates

Apply jointly with a spouse or family member to expedite loan approval and benefit from potential interest rate discounts 

Opt for a longer loan tenure to reduce the monthly EMI burden and increase the chances of approval 

Ensure all required documents, such as identification proofs, salary slips, bank statements, and business-related documents, are prepared in advance

Pay off existing small loans to reduce FOIR (Fixed Obligation to Income Ratio) and improve loan application viability 

Banks prefer projects from reliable developers to mitigate risks and streamline the loan process 

Explore pre-approved home loan offers based on your repayment capacity, income, and credit score for quick approval 

Offering a higher down payment can enhance the bank's trust and expedite the loan approval

Approach a bank where you have a salary account and maintained a good repayment history for smoother loan processing 

Buying Real estate / home  Is it a better  investment ?

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