Exploring ULIPs for Financial Security and Growth 

ULIP stands for Unit Linked Insurance Plan. It is a type of life insurance product that combines investment and insurance components into a single plan 

What is ULIP

What is ULIP

ULIP plans provide market-linked returns through equity, debt, or a combination of both. 

Market-Linked Returns

Investors should be aware that market-linked investments can be subject to fluctuations and risks

Consider Market Volatility 

ULIP plans also offer life insurance coverage, with a portion of premiums allocated towards it. 

Life Insurance Coverage 

ULIP plans usually have a lock-in period of at least five years.  During the lock-in period, surrendering the policy may result in adverse consequences 

Lock-In Period 

ULIP plans qualify for tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. 

Tax Benefits 

Some ULIP plans provide loyalty additions as additional units/bonuses based on policy tenure. 

Loyalty Additions 

Loyalty Additions 

Various charges may apply to ULIP plans, including premium allocation charges, policy administration charges, fund management charges, mortality charges, and applicable taxes. 
