
Brokerage Reports

Buzzing Stocks

  • 5 advantages of option buying over option selling

    Here are the 5 advantages of option buying over option selling: Limited Risk: When you buy an option, the maximum amount you can lose is the premium paid for the option. This means that the risk is limited, making it a safer trading strategy compared to option selling, where the potential losses can be unlimited….

  • 5 Key differences between stock options and index options in the Indian market

    Here are the 5 Key differences between stock options and index options in the Indian market: Underlying Asset The underlying asset of stock options is an individual stock, while index options are based on the performance of an underlying index, such as Nifty or Bank Nifty. Settlement Stock options in India are settled through compulsory…

  • Fascinating world of stock market: How it started and how it works!!!

    It all started in the 1600s with the Dutch East India Company, which used private citizens to fund its voyages in exchange for a share of the profits. Roots of Stock market The stock market is a fascinating and complex system that has been around for centuries. It all started in the 1600s with the…