7 Critical Rules for making Investment Decisions

investment decisions

Making informed investment decisions can be a complex endeavor, especially for beginners. To navigate the stock market successfully, it is essential to understand and follow certain rules that can help you make informed investment decisions. In this blog post, we will discuss seven critical rules that can guide you in evaluating stocks and building a strong investment portfolio. By following these rules, you can increase your chances of achieving financial success in the stock market.

Rule 1: Time Value of Money and Money Value of Time

Understanding the concept of time value of money is crucial in evaluating stocks. This concept explains that money loses its value over time due to inflation. Investors should consider the potential decline in purchasing power when making investment decisions. Similarly, the money value of time emphasizes the importance of valuing your time and making wise choices that align with your financial goals.

Rule 2: Buy and Forget

The buy and forget strategy advises investors to hold onto good stocks regardless of short-term market fluctuations. By focusing on the long-term prospects of a company, you can avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market trends. This rule highlights the importance of patience and discipline in stock investing.

Rule 3: No Asset Is Sacrosanct

No asset, including stocks, should be considered immune to market volatility. This rule urges investors to diversify their portfolios and consider various asset classes. It emphasizes the need to understand the risks associated with each asset class and make informed decisions based on individual circumstances.

Rule 4: Goal-Based Investing

Goal-based investing involves aligning your investment decisions with specific financial goals. It encourages investors to differentiate between critical and non-critical goals and prioritize their investments accordingly. By focusing on critical goals that have long-term benefits, you can avoid unnecessary financial stress and make more meaningful investment choices.

Rule 5: Income Allocation

The 15/30/20 rule suggests allocating 50% of your income to needs, 30% to desires, and 20% to savings. While this rule provides a guideline, it’s crucial to adapt it to your unique financial situation. Saving 10-20% of your income should be the minimum target, and gradually increasing it to 70% can lead to financial independence in the long run.

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Rule 6: Asset Allocation

The 100 minus age rule advises investors to allocate a percentage of their portfolio to equities and the remainder to fixed-income instruments based on their age. However, blindly following this rule may not always be beneficial. It is important to consider market cycles, interest rates, and individual risk tolerance when determining the ideal asset allocation for your portfolio.

Rule 7: Insurance

Insurance plays a vital role in financial planning and risk management. It is important to choose insurance coverage that aligns with your needs and circumstances. Seeking advice from insurance experts can help you make informed decisions and avoid purchasing unnecessary or inadequate coverage.

Also read: 6 Pointers for Investing in Stocks: Identifying Signs of Growth and Hidden Asset


By adhering to these seven critical rules, investors can approach stock evaluation and investment decisions with a more informed and strategic mindset. It is important to remember that investing in stocks involves risks, and thorough research and continuous learning are essential. By understanding and applying these rules, you can make informed investment decisions and increase your chances of achieving financial success in the stock market.

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